Can I Go to Rehab If I Have an Arrest Warrant?

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It is not uncommon for individuals struggling with substance to have legal issues. Addiction often comes with illegal behaviors and actions. Thus, it is not uncommon for potential clients to ask if they can come to rehab with an arrest warrant.

Alcohol abuse disorder and substance abuse disorder have the potential to progress to the point where the individual is participating in illegal activities. Being under the influence often clouds a person’s judgment and they will begin to do things they normally wouldn’t. Furthermore, the severity of physical withdrawal will push someone to do anything they need to to obtain their substance of choice, regardless of the law. People can also face criminal charges if they drive while under the influence. 

Discovering you have an arrest warrant should not deter you from seeking treatment. If anything, it should motivate you to get your life back on track. Here at The Healing Center we offer a drug rehab program in South Florida that can help you take the first steps towards recovery.

Can I Go to Rehab If I Have A


The short answer to this question is yes. You can go to rehab if you are facing legal trouble, or have a current arrest warrant. Legal problems should not deter you from getting the help that you need in order to recover. 

However, it is important to understand that drug rehabs are not a substitute for legal detention facilities. They will not pardon your legal issues or make them go away. You will still need to go to court or the appropriate party to resolve your legal troubles once you complete treatment. Thankfully, your case managers can usually guide you in the right direction and help you communicate with the courts, probation officers, and lawyers.

Can The Police Arrest You While You Are In Treatment?

Normally, you cannot be arrested while in a drug rehab facility. It is confidential information that you are attending a drug rehab and staff is not allowed to confirm your presence at the facility. HIPPA ensures that client’s health records, attendance, and other information is kept private. The only way to waive HIPPA is to sign forms that allow for particular individuals or other facilities to access your information. Even if the courts, police officers, or bondsmen know you are at a facility, they will normally wait to make an arrest until after you leave treatment

There are a couple of instances where someone can be arrested while in treatment. These include:

  • They have committed a major crime including a violent offense. This includes assault and battery, assault with a deadly weapon, attempted murder, ect.
  • There is a court ordered subpoena. Subpoenas are usually issued if you are required to be present in a trial or testify in court.

Will Attending Rehab Improve The Outcome Of Court?

Many judges and courts understand the importance of getting treatment for alcohol and drug abuse. They would prefer you to get the help you need before taking care of your legal issues. It is common to wonder if court will improve the outcome of your criminal charges.

It is important to consider the type of charges that you are facing and your criminal record. These factors will come into play when the courts decide on your consequences. Nonetheless, most judges view your attendance at a treatment facility favorably. This is especially the case if you are dealing with your first offense.

How Rehabs Help You Manage Your Legal Problems And Warrant

When you admit yourself into a treatment facility you should let the intake staff know about the warrant for your arrest. They will communicate the information to your case manager. The case manager will coordinate communication between the courts, your lawyer, and family in order to determine the best plan of action to take care of your arrest warrant.

Furthermore, drug rehabs help you learn how to cope with the stress that the court system brings. Stress often leads to relapse unless it is coped with in a healthy manner. Thankfully, treatment facilities are staffed with therapists who are supportive and can provide you with the tools you need to get through the situation sober. 

Should You Contact A Lawyer Before Entering Treatment?

When you have an arrest warrant, it is a good idea to contact a lawyer regardless of the circumstances. Prior to entering treatment a consult with a lawyer can provide you with guidance on how to deal with your arrest warrant while in treatment.

Treatment Facilities In South Florida That Can Help You

The Healing Center in Fort Lauderdale, FL can help you if you are struggling with addiction or alcoholism. We understand that legal trouble often comes along with alcohol and substance abuse. Therefore, we have case managers which are familiar with speaking to family, the courts, probation officers, and lawyers. Furthermore, our therapists are experienced with helping clients who are struggling process and find healthy coping skills surrounding their legal issues. Don’t use the stress about your warrant or other legal trouble as an excuse to keep using. It is important to get your life back on track prior to going to court as it can improve the long-term outcomes. The Healing Center is here to help you. Contact our admissions team today.