Levels Of Care

At The Healing Center, in Fort Lauderdale, FL, we offer a variety of clinical levels of care programs in order to help you or your loved one struggling with a dual diagnosis, mental health illness, or substance abuse problem. Our primary purpose  is to ensure that each one of our clients is provided the treatment services they need in order to lead productive, healthy, and fulfilling lives.


Partial hospitalization or PHP as it’s also known is the highest level of outpatient care. PHP offers individuals that are just out of detox or a residential program the first step to reintegration into the real world. ​


The Healing Center offers a safe and supportive outpatient treatment program in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Learn more today!

Levels Of Care At The Healing Center In Fort Lauderdale

Every single one of our clients is evaluated upon admission in order to ensure that they are placed into the level of care that will treat their personal needs. We work with your insurance company to make sure that treatment is both affordable and attainable.  The Healing Center is a DCF certified and licensed facility that offers a safe, compassionate, and supportive environment for you to begin your healing journey. To learn more about which level of care is right for you or your loved one reach out to our admissions team today.