If you require a less intensive addiction treatment center in Fort Lauderdale, FL— because you’ve already completed other addiction treatment stages such as detox and PHP in South Florida— we’ll recommend to attend an IOP Near Fort Lauderdale, such as the one we offer here at The Healing Center.
You’ll run your day-to-day life as usual and join us at our center in the evenings for IOP addiction treatment. There, you will receive group therapy, individual therapy, and other treatment services. Our IOP near Fort Lauderdale, FL offers a flexible schedule, while also providing the therapeutic services you need to keep your recovery on the right track.
Our IOP provides a seamless and coordinated transition from higher levels of care, while continuing to help our clients ease into a life of recovery. After detox, residential or PHP treatment, IOP continues to treat clients struggling with addictions, trauma, and other mental health diagnoses. Intensive outpatient programs use individualized treatment plans that are designed to identify and heal the underlying issues behind addiction. IOP near Fort Lauderdale programs are for those who do not require around-the-clock supervision.
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What Is An IOP Near Fort Lauderdale Like?
Intensive Outpatient Programming is a type of treatment that takes place in a professional facility during the day or night. The number of days a week and the hours of therapeutic programming an individual attends depends on the person’s needs. This is determined by an evaluation upon admission.
IOP near Fort Lauderdale provides an effective way to treat conditions like substance use disorders and mental health illnesses. Intensive outpatient programs are good options for clients who do not need a high level of supervision. Furthermore, IOP is suitable for individuals who still need a concentrated amount of time per week to work on their recovery and mental health.
Intensive outpatient programs offer clients the ability to attend their treatment sessions during the day or night. Then they return to either their homes or affiliated sober livings. The flexibility of the programming allows clients to still tend to their

Who is IOP For?
Most people entering an IOP near Fort Lauderdale, FL are graduating from either a residential or PHP level of care. IOP is not suitable for individuals who are actively abusing substances or who still need an inpatient medical detox.
They are occasionally the right fit for people starting out in their recovery. These individuals don’t require more intensive levels of care, but it is not normally recommended.
Usually, intensive outpatient is suggested in a step down treatment plan. An individual following a step down treatment plan starts at a higher level of care and then moves into lower levels of care over time. The duration of an IOP Fort Lauderdale, FL program varies. It really depends on three things:
- The persons specific therapeutic needs and addiction history.
- Their ability to commit to treatment and how much time they can dedicate to it.
- The out of pocket cost of treatment and health insurance coverage.
Intensive outpatient programs are a proven method of addiction and mental treatment, especially when it’s part of a complete treatment plan. Although IOP may seem like the right fit for you or your loved one, any treatment decision should begin with a proper evaluation. It will take a load off your mind and give you some direction.
When you call The Healing Center’s admissions team we walk you through an initial pre-evaluation to help you decide if our IOP near Fort Lauderdale is the right level of care for you.
What to Expect During IOP
IOPs offer a higher level of care than an outpatient treatment program. Clients in an intensive outpatient program typically visit the facility for therapeutic treatment three to four times a week. Each IOP session typically lasts for about three hours each visit. At The Healing Center we tailor each individual’s recovery plan depending on what best suits thier needs. At our intensive outpatient near Fort Lauderdale you can expect to be involved in the following:
Group Therapy
Group therapy is a vital part of any intensive outpatinet treatment program. Research studies have found that group therapy is one of the most effective ways to help those struggling with substance abuse disorders and mental health illnesses. This type of therapy is especially effective because it helps clients learn better ways to communicate, build a support network of their peers, provide a positive way to socialize, and reinforce new healthy habits.
Individual Therapy
Individual therapy is another important part of an IOP program. Individual therapy allows clients to address issues that they may not be comfortable sharing in a group setting. It is an effective way to help people dig deeper into their trauma, substance abuse history, and mental health struggles. The primary goal of individual therapy is to address the underlying mental health issues that someone may be struggling with.

Family Therapy
Family therapy is another service offered in IOP near Fort Lauderdale programs. Family therapy focuses on healing the connection between the addict and their loved ones. This form of therapy is extremely important as it helps create a strong foundation for the client to have once they complete treatment. Furthermore, it is important for loved ones to be able to safely express how the addicts actions has effected their lives. During the sessions, both the family members and the client learn how to communicate in a healthy and compassionate manner.
Holistic Therapies
Some IOPs also offer alternative therapies. Alternative or holistic therapies are different from classic behavioral therapy modalities. These types of therapies focus on certain types of activities and modalities, which promote healing but and teach clients new ways to spend their time after treatment. Alternative therapies can include, music therapy, art therapy, and holistic therapies.
Medication Management
IOP near Fort Lauderdale programs also often include medication management services. Psychiatrists, doctors, or ARNPs are staffed in order to meet with clients regularly to maintain prescriptions and make adjustments as needed. This part of an intensive outpatient program relieves the client of seeing doctors outside of their regularly scheduled treatment hours for their medications.

IOP vs Residential Treatment
Intensive outpatient programs are much different then residential treatment programs. While IOP still offers similar therapeutic services, they do not offer the same level of supervision, treatment hours, and medical care that residential treatment centers provide to clients.
When a client enters into a residential treatment program they live at the facility full time and are under 24/7 supervision. In an intensive outpatient program clients do not reside at the facility. Normally, patients in an IOP program live at sober living homes and attend either day or night programming.
The level of services offered in a residential treatment program are much more intensive then at an IOP program. Medical care is provided at a residential treatment program, which may or may not be provided at an IOP level of care. At The Healing Center, we will do a pre-evaluation in order to see what level of care is right for you.
How Long Does IOP Near Fort Lauderdale Last?
IOP near Fort Lauderdale, FL programs normally meet anywhere from two to five days per a week. The therapeutic programming runs during either the day or at night. Clients attend the sessions for anywhere from two to five hours depending on their schedule and needs. On average, patients will remain in IOP for 8 to 12 weeks before stepping down to an outpatient level of care. All of the above factors can be changed depending on an individual’s insurance coverage, personal needs, and progress throughout treatment.

Benefits of IOP Treatment in Fort Lauderdale
There are some great benefits to seeking IOP treatment for your addiction or mental health struggles. The advantages of our IOP near Fort Lauderdale, FL include:
- Flexible – IOPs allow clients to maintain a job, go to school, or take care of their family.
- Cost – normally intensive outpatient programs cost significantly less than residential treatment.
- Individual Therapy – counselors are assigned to clients for one-on-one sessions to help them work through their trauma, negative emotions, negative consequences, and develop new healthy coping skills.
- Group sessions allow clients to connect with their peers who understand exactly what they are going through, and can provide support and suggestions
Ensuring the Success of Outpatient Treatment
IOP drug and alcohol treatment is a lower level of care. It normally requires more intensive prior treatment in order to be successful. You should consider these question before deciding to attend an IOP near Fort Lauderdale, FL.
- Have you attended a medically-supervised detoxification?
- Have you gone through the physical withdrawal process?
- Are you stable enough to live outside of a residential facility?
- If you have a co-occurring disorder, has that been treated at a dual diagnosis program?
If you answer any of these questions with a “no”, then it is best to choose a higher level of care. It is too early for you to treat your addiction successfully, while still exposed to so many triggers.
Another way to ensure the success of attending an IOP, is to follow the treatment plan you are given. You should try to attend all of your scheduled sessions, and implement you therapists recommendations. Consistently attending IOP implements structure back into your life. Furthermore, you therapist will offer you ways to cope with triggers and stress. Using all of the tools an IOP offers you ensures that the program helps lay the foundation for your long-term recovery.

How To Find An IOP Near Fort Lauderdale, FL
If you are currently dealing with addiction, alcoholism, or a mental health disorder and would like to know more about our IOP near Fort Lauderdale contact us today. We can help you to decide if our IOP is right for you. Our team will also design a personalized treatment plan with the goal of maximizing your chances of success. Gain control over your life once again with the help of our Fort Lauderdale intensive outpatient program today. Find out just how fulfilling an life can be.