TRICARE insurance provides coverage to individuals and family members that are in the active duty military, Reserve members, Veterans, and Nation Guard members. TRICARE may be used to cover addiction and mental health treatment. Here at The Healing Center, we offer a TRICARE Rehab in Fort Lauderdale, FL that provides compassionate and evidence based therapies to help you or a loved one recover from addiction or mental health struggles.
About TRICARE Insurance
TRICARE is a world-wide health insurance company that offers coverage for past and present military members and their family members. It connects the Military Health Systems to outside civilian health services, like addiction treatment.
Those who have the ability to enroll in TRICARE insurance include:
- Military members children
- Spouses of Military members
- Active duty service members
- National Guard members
- Dependent parents and in-laws
- Reserve members
- Retired military service individuals and their families
- Retired reserve members and their families
Other individuals related to military services and family members may also be eligible. You can learn more about TRICARE enrollment and eligibility on the website.

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Does TRICARE Cover Drug & Alcohol Rehab?
Yes, most TRICARE policies offer some level of coverage for substance use disorder and mental health treatment. Normally, coverage varies depending on the specific type of policy that an individual has. You can learn more about your TRICARE coverage by calling our admissions team or by contacting TRICARE directly.
TRICARE rehabs in Fort Lauderdale normally offer the following levels of care:
- Medical detox: Provides 24/7 supervised care where clients can safely and comfortably withdraw from alcohol and/or drugs.
- Inpatient treatment: Also referred to as residential rehab, clients reside at the facility 24/7 and participate in a structured therapeutic programs.
- Outpatient treatment: Clients continue to live at home or in supportive housing and attend treatment at a facility during the day throughout the week.
- Partial hospitalization program (PHP): Better known as PHP, this is a type of outpatient treatment in which clients remain at home or in supportive housing while receiving intensive therapy 5-7 days a week.
- Intensive outpatient program (IOP): IOP is a less-intense type of outpatient therapy. Clients usually attend IOP 3-5 days a week.
- Medications Assisted Treatment: Medications are normally provided in order to treat co-occurring mental health disorders, withdrawal symptoms, and cravings.
At The Healing Center, we provide a TRICARE rehab that offers comprehensive therapeutic care for both mental health and substance use disorders.

How Long Will TRICARE Cover Rehab?
TRICARE rehab normally lasts for about 30-90 days. The specific amount of time that you or your loved one will spend in treatment is dependent on certain circumstances and factors. Some of these factors include how many times someone has been to rehab, if co-occurring diagnoses are present, how long someone has been using, and more. In order to have a better idea of how long a client will need to remain in treatment, our addiction specialists perform a prescreening assessment. This type of assessment informs us of past treatments and current struggles.
Once the assessment is complete, we work one on one with your insurance company in order to get authorization for the services we provide. Furthermore, we are able to provide an estimated out-of-pocket cost and work with you on how you would like to cover those expenses. Here at The Healing Center, our goal is to ensure that both quality and accessibility to treatment are provided. Thus, we work with our clients based on their individual needs and circumstances.
Our TRICARE Rehab In South Florida
If you or a loved one are looking for TRICARE rehab in South Florida, then The Healing Center can help. We provide addiction treatment services that are normally covered under most TRICARE insurance policies. Our South Florida treatment program offers many different services including:
- Individual counseling
- Group counseling
- Family therapy
- Medication-assisted treatment
- Holistic therapy
- Art therapy
- Life skills training
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
- Dialectical behavioral therapy
- Trauma therapy
- Sober Living
We understand that the struggle with addiction can feel like a lonely and exhausting place. Thus, we offer a safe and compassionate program to those who need help recovering from substance abuse. Furthermore, all of our treatment plans are personalized to fit our clients exact needs.

Find TRICARE Rehab
The Healing Center’s admission team can help you find the best TRICARE rehab in your area. Even if you are unable to visit our center in South Florida, we can still help you locate the program that will fit all of your needs. Our exceptional team of addiction specialists is here waiting to help you get the treatment you need in order to live a happy and fulfilling life. Contact our admissions department to learn more.